Less meat means less heat.

While the Republicans have nothing better to do than be stupid, other people, like Sir Paul McCartney, have some helpful and reasonable suggestions. He is urging consumers to fight global warming by going vegetarian at least once a week.

If I were to become a vegetarian full time, I wouldn’t do it for my health or well being. Believe me, I feel pretty good after eating steak. No, I’d do it for the health of the cows and the chickens. I know, I know, heart attacks are God’s revenge for eating his little animal friends, but because I lack the discipline, organization and cooking skills, I’ve failed miserably at conversion many times. However, as long as ice cream remains a vegetarian food, Sir Paul’s call to arms seems realistic and doable to me.

Starting next week, I will designate Monday as Side Dish Monday. Every Monday, I won’t eat anything that can have children. That’s right vegans. That’s my definition. As far as I know, cheese, eggs and ice cream cannot bear offspring. Cheese, eggs and ice cream do not have eyes. Cheese, eggs and ice cream are not my furry friends.

So here I go. Again. I hope you join in as well.

Wish me luck and check in on Tuesdays to read how it went.

P.S. If you have not already seen Food, Inc., it’s out on DVD and I highly recommend it.

Tell me what you eat, I’ll tell you who you are. ~Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

It’s that time of the month when my grocery list consists of tampons, Motrin and a pint of frozen lard aka Chocolate Chocolate Chip Haagen Dasz ice cream. But since my thighs can’t take it anymore,  I’m switching to Skinny Cow Low Fat Chocolate with Fudge cones. They’re only 150 calories (25 from fat) and they are surprisingly satisfying. Especially the cone. It’s crunchy and tasty and the bottom is filled with fudge. They are pricey, but I highly recommend them.

I really hate the look I get from the checkout person at Vons. Last time I had to say: “You’ve never seen a pmssing customer before?”